Monday, 3 January 2011

7.30 am – The Commuter

7.30 am – The Commuter

Towering white, she opens her massive jaw
Revealing, not tongue, but brilliant green roadway.
Early morning breezes usher us all
Down roughened concrete.

Most hurry towards that downstairs lounge, cosy, easy.
Not for me!
Eager, I run upstairs – two flights –
And emerge on a pinnacle of beauty.

Diamonds scattered on silver seas, frothing now behind us,
Pulling us away
From wheeling gulls, gorse enfolded coves
And soft summer hills, already shrinking fast into a haze of blue.

I scamper to the bow, lean on the whiteness of the rail,
Salt seaweed scenting my nostrils, a purring hum beneath my feet.
Peering, gazing, hoping – maybe a glimpse of gannet, porpoise, seal,
Or huge pink jellyfish, pulsing through the green depths.

Soon, houses, shops, spires blossom on the nearing shore. 
Nearly there – too soon already!
Inconceivable that I am the sole traveller who made the choice
to glide high through paradise.
My commuter’s soul enriched.

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Out of the window

Out of the window

Out of the window
What do you see?
Clouds in blue sky
A golden leafed tree
A babe in a pram
Kicking her toes
A fluffy grey dog
Licking his nose
Raindrops are trembling
On stems of green grass
Or rivulets  twisting
Their way down the glass.
Minute bits of beauty
Small seconds of joy
Take time to absorb them
Their yours to enjoy.

New post soon!

I've been very busy over New Year, but a new post will follow soon, covering Hogmanay/New Year celebrations in Scotland - reminicences and Scottish customs.