24.5.2013 – Saint Malo
By golly, it’s
cold. Dry, but with a bitter wind. According to headlines in a French newspaper
which I managed to translate, this is the coldest spring since 1887 – 126 years.
Gate of St. Vincent, St. Malo |
St. Malo, May 24. Brrrr. |
We shivered our way
into Saint Malo – another walled city, tight packed with houses, bright shops
and narrow streets. Cathedral bells
tolling loud, vibrating against the grey stone walls. All destroyed in 1944 but rebuilt so that you
would hardly know the difference, they say.
We bought chocolate with chilli from a chocolatier, curly pastries from
a shop that swore these were authentic Brittany cakes, were tempted by huge
meringues, all different colours. A
little cafe selling crepes won our custom – three legged stools and small round
tables with tiles tops showing Jolly Breton farm girls in traditional
dress. It was cosy, the crepes were
superb – mine with cheese, Bill’s with ham and egg.
Castle Solidor |
Model ship in castle museum |
The area is a series
of isthmuses, townships on the end of each.
The next was seafaring in all its aspects. There we found Castle Solidor, which, as
befits it name, was thick walled and impregnable. A beautiful weather vane, carved as a
wheeling albatross, swung to and fro in the freezing gusts outside. Albatrosses are common in the southern seas,
and seamen from here apparently made regular trips round Cape Horn.
I could not get warm
until at last we made it back to the campsites luxurious swimming pool and oh
so glorious steam room. The wind began
to force its presence upon us. Gusts
grabbed and pulled at our tent walls, rattling the spoons hanging up and even
pushing the groundsheet into puffy humps.
But it’s all in a camping holiday.
We can cope!!
MORE campsites with swimming pools? I've never seen anything like this!